Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Ohio: What You Need to Know

wisdom teeth removal cost in ohio

Understanding wisdom teeth removal cost in Ohio is crucial for anyone considering this dental procedure. 

The price can vary significantly based on several factors, including the complexity of the extraction, the type of anesthesia used, and the dentist’s experience.

Whether preparing for your procedure or seeking general information, this article provides the essential information to make informed decisions. 

Keep reading to understand what to expect financially regarding wisdom teeth removal in Ohio.

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The average cost for wisdom teeth extraction in Ohio typically falls within a range that reflects both simple and complex procedures. 

For a basic extraction of a fully erupted tooth, prices can start from a lower range. 

However, the cost can increase significantly if the wisdom teeth are impacted or require a more involved surgical approach.

Simple Extraction Costs

For wisdom teeth removed that have fully erupted and are easily accessible, often referred to as a simple wisdom tooth removal, the cost per tooth can be on the lower end. This price generally includes the extraction procedure itself and local anesthesia. 

Patients might expect to pay around $75 to $200 per tooth for these procedures.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

If the teeth are impacted wisdom teeth or require surgical extraction by oral surgeons, the cost per tooth rises. This is due to the complexity of the procedure, which often necessitates sedation or general anesthesia, and potentially more time and resources from the dental team. 

For impacted wisdom teeth, the cost per tooth can range from approximately $250 to $750.

Full Mouth Extraction

When all four wisdom teeth are removed in one session, the total cost can be at the higher end of the spectrum. While this might seem steep, it’s often more economical and efficient than having multiple surgeries. 

The total cost for extracting all four wisdom teeth in one session can range from around $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the complexity and the need for sedation or anesthesia.

factors affecting the cost

When planning for wisdom teeth removal in Ohio, it’s essential to consider various factors that can influence the overall cost of the procedure. 

Each factor contributes to the final price, making it essential for patients to understand these elements for better financial planning.

Number of Teeth Being Removed

Single Tooth vs. Multiple Teeth

The cost of wisdom teeth removal is directly related to the number of teeth being extracted. Removing a single tooth costs less than pulling multiple teeth, which requires more time and resources.

All Four Wisdom Teeth

Dentists often recommend removing all four wisdom teeth in one session to prevent future issues and additional surgeries, which can be more cost-effective in the long run.

Complexity of the Procedure

Wisdom teeth that have not fully erupted or are misaligned, known as impacted wisdom teeth, necessitate a more complex oral surgery approach.

This complexity can significantly increase the cost compared to straightforward extractions –– complex cases might require additional surgical steps, such as bone removal or gum surgery, adding to the overall cost.

Type of Anesthesia

Generally used for less complicated extractions, local anesthesia is more affordable but only numbs the immediate area around the tooth.

For patients with dental anxiety or in cases of more complex extractions, sedation or general anesthesia may be recommended. 

These options provide greater comfort but also increase costs due to the need for specialized equipment and additional personnel.

Geographic Location and Dentist’s Experience

The cost of dental care, including wisdom teeth removal, can vary depending on the location within Ohio. Typically, urban areas may have higher rates due to increased overhead costs.

The experience and qualifications of the practitioner also influence the cost. 

A highly experienced oral surgeon or dentist, especially those specializing in maxillofacial surgery, might charge more but also offer a higher level of skill and potentially smoother recovery.

Dental insurance policies can vary significantly in their coverage levels, particularly when it comes to wisdom tooth removal.

Typically, some policies may cover a portion of the impacted wisdom tooth extraction, especially if it involves complex oral surgery or removal of gum tissue. 

To navigate this effectively, obtaining a pre-treatment estimate and submitting it to your insurance company is advisable. Doing so can provide a clearer understanding of the portion of the cost covered under your specific plan. Knowing the annual maximum benefit limits and any deductibles required by your dental insurance plan is also crucial. 

Exploring Financial Assistance Options

Exploring financial assistance options for wisdom teeth removal in Ohio can significantly ease the burden of the procedure’s costs. 

Understanding and utilizing these options can make a substantial difference, especially for more expensive treatments like surgical extractions.

Payment Plans

Many dental offices across Ohio offer flexible payment plans. 

These plans allow patients to spread the cost of the procedure over several months, making it more manageable. This is particularly beneficial for those undergoing complex surgical extractions, which are more costly.

Third-Party Financing

For additional financial support, companies like CareCredit specialize in healthcare expenses, including dental procedures. 

Financing options are popular in Ohio and often feature promotional periods with no interest or manageable interest rates, making them an attractive choice for patients needing immediate dental care without the upfront financial burden.

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)

Ohio residents with HSAs or FSAs can use these accounts to pay for their wisdom teeth removal. These accounts utilize pre-tax dollars, providing a tax-advantaged method to cover medical expenses. 

This can result in significant savings, especially for those in higher tax brackets.

Dental Schools

Institutions like The Ohio State University College of Dentistry offer services at reduced costs. 

Dental students perform procedures, including wisdom teeth removal, under the close supervision of experienced and licensed dentists. 

This option supports dental education and provides patients with cost-effective treatment.

Charitable Organizations and Community Health Centers

For Ohio residents who may not have insurance or adequate financial means, charitable organizations and community health centers are invaluable resources. 

These centers often offer dental services, including wisdom teeth removal, at a lower cost or on a sliding scale based on income. 

Organizations like the Ohio Association of Community Health Centers can guide patients to the nearest facility offering affordable dental services.

Manage Your Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Ohio Now

Whether through insurance coverage, flexible payment plans, or seeking affordable services at dental schools, there are multiple ways to prepare whenever a wisdom tooth grows and needs to be removed.

If you’re ready to proceed with wisdom teeth removal in Ohio and need expert guidance on managing the costs, our team is here to help. 

Contact Williams Oral Surgery for a personalized consultation regarding our wisdom teeth removal costs in Ohio — let us assist you in finding the best financial solution for your needs.

Jonathan T. Williams, DMD, MD

Dr. Williams, a licensed physician and dentist, is board-certified in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS). Since 2014, he has specialized in a range of procedures including third molar extractions, dental implant placement, and maxillofacial pathology treatment. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree from the University of New Hampshire in 2000 and earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) with honors from Case Western Reserve University in 2009, where he was recognized for his academic and clinical excellence.

Completing his residency at the University Hospitals of Cleveland and the Cleveland Clinic, Dr. Williams also obtained a medical degree (M.D.) with extensive training in various surgical specialties. His expertise was further honed through a prestigious fellowship in head and neck oncologic surgery at the University of Tennessee Medical Center. An accomplished author, Dr. Williams has contributed to textbooks on oral cancer surgery and reconstruction, establishing himself as a leading expert in his field.